etventure 2017: The Year of Digital Pioneers!

24. December 2017

etventure has already left a footprint in the digital landscape. Directly at the start of 2017, Harvard Business Manager wrote in recognition of etventure as the digital pioneers in its cover story “Consulting 4.0”. Since October, etventure is now officially part of the auditing and consulting company EY (Ernst & Young). Some say “Digital pioneer meets Big Four”, or “Jeans meets suit” (Handelsblatt) – we say “changing the game”!

2017 marks a turning point

We are founders, doers, pioneers and that since day one! In seven years, etventure has rapidly developed into the market leader for digitization, based on its first own start-up projects, by successfully focusing on customer-centered, entrepreneurial and radically result-oriented implementation from the very beginning. With the most modern innovation methods, an enormous number of digital business models could be generated and tested in this way. We have built up the best of these business models as our own VC-financed start-ups or as new business for our corporate customers. It is these strengths that have made us digital pioneers in the market.

2017 marks a new turning point in this #MEGA development: Since October, we have been part of the EY family (Ernst & Young) and thus have a partner with a global network and unbelievably deep industry know-how at our side. Because it is also clear that if we want to have a long-term and sustainable effect – if we really want to have an impact – etventure must also develop further. For companies, it is no longer just a matter of quickly discovering new digital territory, but also of expanding newly discovered and validated business models in the appropriate breadth and depth as part of their core business in the long term. To achieve this at high speed, we needed a partner. With EY we are now developing a whole new power and catapulting etventure literally into a new orbit. Together we will be the driver of change and a real game changer for our customers.

An overview of the other etventure highlights in 2017:

Christian Lüdtke becomes new founder coordinator of Ruhr // The second edition of the etventure study // Laura Kohler is one of the 50 most influential women in the European start-up scene // Financing rounds for mobileJob, POSpulse and Keleya // Industry Data Challenge for the customer SMS group // etventure at the SZ economic summit


etventure Team

Every day we design companies, start-ups, protected spaces, new business models and sometimes even entire movements. And when we talk about “we”, we’re not just talking about three founders, we’re talking about 250 entrepreneurs!

Trend-setting! Ground-breaking! Entrepreneurial! Collaborative! That’s what etventure stands for, not only since 2017, we have been living it, also since day one. And so it will be in 2018!

At the end of this exciting year 2017, it is time to say THANK YOU. And above all thanks to the great people at etventure, without whom the development of the past years would never have been possible. Thank you for remaining loyal to us and etventure, even though we expected a lot of innovations and upheavals in 2017. You make etventure something unique!

We now take a well-deserved timout and are back in 2018 with new projects and ideas – ready for anything that may come. The sky is the limit and our motto: Changing the game!

We wish all readers, customers, partners, colleagues and friends a peaceful and relaxing Christmas holiday and a successful and exciting year 2018!

Your Philipp, Philipp & Christian

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Zunächst als Berater, dann als CEO eines mittelständischen Unternehmens mit 250 Mitarbeitern und heute als Gründer und Geschäftsführer von etventure beschäftigt sich Philipp Depiereux mit Innovationsprojekten. Gemeinsam mit seinen Partnern gründete er 2010 Digitalberatung und company builder etventure, um seine Erfahrungen als Unternehmer und Innovationstreiber im Mittelstand, in der Konzernwelt, in Startups sowie in Digitalprojekten im Silicon Valley in einem Unternehmen zu vereinen. Der Gründer und Geschäftsführer gilt als Messias der Digitalisierung im deutschen Mittelstand und wurde vergangenen Jahres als eine der LinkedIn Top Voices 2019 ausgezeichnet. In seinen Vorträgen zu den Themen Digitale Transformation und Innovation sorgt er für Aufbruchstimmung, motiviert Unternehmen und erklärt praxisnah, wie die Digitalisierung gelingt. Darüber hinaus ist Philipp Depiereux Initiator und Moderator des gemeinnützigen Video- und Podcastformats “ChangeRider”, das positive Geschichten und Erfolge rund um Innovation, Disruption und den digitalen Wandel in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft erzählt.

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